
Posts Tagged ‘sugar’

healthy-foodSugar, dairy and wheat are common allergens. They are relatively new foods to humans — they are not foods we ate as hunter-gatherers, therefore our bodies are not used to digesting them. These three foods, especially in their processed forms (refined white sugar, breads, pasta, baked goods), are difficult to digest and cause inflammation in our digestive systems as well as all over our bodies.

Inflammation is a reaction of the immune system; its presence means that the body has found something offending and is trying to get rid of it. An inflamed bowel will not absorb nutrients efficiently and may cause fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion or any number of other maladies. In some cases, the inflammation can appear in the skin, joints, and muscles causing headaches, arthritis, acne, and eczema, to name but a few.

Wheat contains a compound called gluten. Gluten is notoriously difficult to digest. Many people are sensitive to it. Gluten intolerance can lead to inflammation of the bowel causing indigestion, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and even asthma. Furthermore, processed wheat products like breads, pastas, and baked goods, plus starchy foods like potatoes, are broken down to sugar very quickly in the body. This causes a spike in blood-glucose levels, which causes your pancreas to produce a lot of insulin in a short amount of time.

If these insulin spikes happen often, insulin resistance can result. When this occurs, elevated levels of sugar and insulin are found in the blood, making it difficult for your body to appropriately convert sugar into energy. This condition leads to metabolic disorders including diabetes, fatigue, high blood pressure, weight gain/inability to lose weight, bloating, and even depression!

Eating refined sugar products causes the same insulin spikes as stated above.

Dairy contains lactose, a sugar. Lactose intolerance, even in milder forms, is very common in adults. Lactase is the name of the enzyme our bodies use to digest lactose. However, this enzyme is mainly found in children, causing lactose intolerance to appear in adults. Lactose intolerance is characterized by bloating/gas, nausea, cramps, and diarrhea.

Dairy also contains a large amount of an animal protein known as casein. Casein is a very large molecule that takes a lot more time and energy for the body to digest. Some people cannot digest this protein at all, while some people can digest it but only in small amounts. Cow’s milk can have up to 300 times the amount of protein as other types of milk, making it a taxing food for the body’s digestive system. Again, if you are eating something that your bowels have a hard time breaking down and using as nutrients, your body will react with inflammation. Inability to digest casein results in vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, hives, and other skin rashes.

When these foods are reduced or removed from one’s diet, the body will be given a chance to focus on healing instead of using all of its energy on trying to digest these difficult foods. You will find that shifting your diet away from processed foods and towards whole foods (vegetables, lean meats, low-sugar fruits) will not only make you feel better, but it will be the first step in addressing all of your health concerns!

Keep in mind: whenever deciding to change your food intake, moderation is the key! It isn’t always necessary to avoid wheat, sugar, and dairy altogether. The best thing for you is to find the appropriate balance in your diet.

Yours in health,
Dr. Suzy Harris
Clinical Nutritionist/Chiropractic Physician

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